
Showing posts from August, 2019

Disability Allies: post #2

How to be an ally to the invisible population Be an ally and fight for our rights. It's hard to get, and easy to lose, disability benefits. Legally, we are not equal to able bodied people. Here are the biggest problems in the US:  Marrying and losing benefits Making over $1220 per month and losing benefits  Disabled people can legally be paid less than minimum wage Any building built after 1992 is legally required to be accessible, but the reality is very different. The law is not enforced. For example only 1 to 5 percent of US housing is accessible  Inequality is prevalent in today's society, but the invisi ble population does not gain as much news attraction  or as many allies as other minorities. Here are some inequalities that are commonplace but shocking: Abuse is more common, intense, and prolonged than for their able bodied peers Be mindful we are the least publicly represented minority in the media Sexism, ...

My story: post #1

Hello everybody, I am here to represent an intersection of a few Minorities . I am a Non-White , Transgender , Queer , Disabled Young Adult . I have had C hronic Illness ,  Fibromyalgia , for most of my life and thought that my frequent Symptoms of Pain , Fatigue , and Stomach Issues were normal. I have always been independent, living alone since I was Sixteen Years Old . I was studying in four different countries. Even with my Chronic Illness . I was able to pursue my many Academic and many Extracurricular interests, as well as socialize frequently. When I arrived to Los Angeles to finally get to rigorous studies of math and physics, a few problems arose. I experienced an Extreme Dislike towards my Body and Social Discomfort around being Perceived as Feminine . I began to Medically Transition and proudly claimed my title as a Trans Man . The other problem was an extreme increase in my Symptoms . So much so, I was losing the ability to take care of myself and ...